What makes human keep going, into the distant land?

Inspiration: Check out this video of Mark Robber at TEDx@Penn with his Super Mario Effect. The Danish Way of Parenting by Jessica J. Alexander and Iben D. Sandahl with the techniques:

  1. Free play
  2. Reframing
  3. Authenticity

I read the book The Danish Way of Parenting first then happened to watch the video on Jan 21st, 2025. The video was recommended by my ENGR216 professor, Dr. Saya Sussindar. She has a very good sense of humor and excelent taste in fashion.

The video highlights the idea that when people are given the freedom to explore, play without consequences, they thrive to learn more. It also highlights reframing. Instead of thinking challenges as bad potholes that make you look bad, we can reframe the whole process, focus on the wonderful result ahead and those potholes as essential steps to achieve success.

This is surprisingly similar to what the book said. When children are given the freedom to play without parent helicoptering them, they thrive in social negotiation skills, resilience, and curiosity. Reframing helps children learn from their mistakes and take a softer turn on themselves.